Thursday, April 20, 2006

What's been goin' on

Even for a cold and rainy night, we managed to get a faithful few out to come and read and share. New faces as well, who dropped by to see what this "poetry night" was all about. Carl Hoover has it listed weekly in the Entertainment section of the Trib and we only anticipate more new people as well as those curious to come on out.

It's been more than fun hosting Open Mic Poetry at Beatnix Coffee House. I have the sneaky suspicion this is becoming a family, a community of people coming together to create, share, and grow. I don't believe I'm speaking for myself. Since we've started, I've had other HOT Poets help me out by hosting. That's so no one can ever say when I'm not in town, the show can't go on. I call it good succession planning! Jen, Orlando, and David C. have hosted, and I'm sure more are to come.
Here's a collage of poetry tonight!

As usual we had our faithful regulars come up to grace the mic as well as some new faces, one being Tank's 7 yr old daughter "A". She read like a pro, an original hand written piece, preferring to sit rather than stand. Her younger brother shouted and cheered his big sis on, later sharing with the crowd that he was "working on his poem." Priceless!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Beatnix Open Mic Jamz

A few pics from Open Mic Jamz tonight! Jen stepped in to host in Nick's absence. New folks come each week to share mostly original pieces or cover favorites. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Open Mic Poetry night growing each week

We had all ages and all types of poetry read. The youngest tonight was PJ, who's 13 yrs old. This young lady has some talent, and so does her Mom, Isabel Kelly, who's a fantastic Massage Therapist.

Pretty full house! Soon we're gonna have to record the nights on audio and video! We had too much fun tonight! The article in the Waco Trib came out today! Hope everyone read it.

HOT Poets featured in Trib today!

We had a lot of folks out to Open Mic Poetry again! Some came because they read the article in the paper and wanted to check it out. Others came to actually read. There's so much talent in Waco and it's displayed weekly at Beatnix CoffeeHouse.

The poem I wrote doesn't come up on line. Here it is for your reading pleasure! Come on out to Beatnix tonight!
by Maryee

Recited or read well
Rants, raves or amusing stories to tell
Future songs or picture books
Some rhyme, but not all the time

It evokes emotion
Sadness, grief, laughter
Sheer joy, peace, love

Poetry is visual painting written on a paper
It flows from the heart of the poet
to the soul of the hearer or reader

Poetry begins as early as learning your ABC's
and your favorite nursery rhymes

Poetry will never die
From spiritual to lyrical
This muse has longevity


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Beall Poetry Festival at Baylor April 6-8, 2006

Not sure which event we'll go to, but there's three day's worth to choose from.