Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Waco Trib was out tonight!

The Trib came out and took pictures tonight! We had a pretty packed house with a lot of new voices on the mic and new faces in the place. There must have been about 55 folks in here tonight! For the first time we had Rafer Earle Mainor come and open us up with an original piece. He had some of his books available for sale afterwards. We had from the young people's side representing Waco High, University High, The Methodist Home, and St. Lewis Catholic.

There was so much enegry in the place, even Rod Aydelotte from the Trib enjoying heading over for the photo shoot. He was taking pictures for the article that's coming out next week by Carl Hoover on poetry. The article will be discussing the upcoming Beall Poetry festival at Baylor and our weekly open mic poetry at Beatnix. So, we'll be getting some publicity about open mic poetry.

Most people who come out are pleased as well as surprised with how good the poetry is and how engaged the audience is. We've even had folks who dropped by "just to get some coffee" and ended up either staying to hear some poetry or, believe it or not, get up and read/recite something they had on their laptops. Unbelieveable at first, but now, not unusual!

It doesn't matter if you read from a paper, come straight off the cuff from your "mental", or have your work memorized from start to finish, Open Mic Poetry is a place where you can share and express from the inside out! You can be a regular HOT Poet, a Slam Poet, or new to the mic. You can read your original work or someone else's. It doesn't matter. Every Thursday night at Beatnix CoffeeHouse.

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